The TransferLab Seminar is a platform where researchers and engineers share and discuss recent advances in AI/ML, striking a balance between accessibility and mathematical depth.
We organize comprehensive talks on ML, RL, DL and statistics, emphasizing both theoretical understanding and practical implementation. These range from introductory overviews to recent developments - and are open to all interested individuals!
Each talk, lasting about 45min followed by around 15min discussion, focuses on a specific topic related to our ongoing series topics. To stay informed, follow the appliedAI Institute on LinkedIn. If you’re interested in presenting your work, contact us. Recordings of past seminars are available on YouTube.
Upcoming Talks
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Previous Talks
Joint Probability Trees -
Tom Schierenbeck (University of Bremen)
Episode-based RL with Movement Primitive -
Maximilian Hüttenrauch (appliedAI Initiative)
Learning Function Operators with Neural Networks -
Samuel Burbulla (appliedAI Institute)
Double Gumbel Q-learning -
David Yu-Tung Hui (MILA)
Tractable Probabilistic Circuits -
Guy Van den Broeck (UCLA)
Concept Activation Vectors -
Iván Rodríguez (appliedAI Initiative)